Friday, May 31, 2019

The play A Memory of Lizzie is a fictional look at the childhood years

The victimize A Memory of Lizzie is a fictional look at the childhood years of the infamous murderess Lizzie BordonThe Memory of Lizzie BordonThe good turn A Memory of Lizzie is a fictional look at the childhoodyears of the infamous murderess Lizzie Bordon. Set in America the lateeighteen hundreds, the play takes place in an average middle classneighbourhood in Massachusetts at that time. The play takes place inan average suburban school, and the characters are (or at least thechildren of) moderately wealthy people. The Characters in the play arethe childhood acquaintances of Lizzie Bordon, each aged around twelveyears old, though payable the era they would probably be less mature thanmodern day twelve year olds. Each character has a different attitudetowards Lizzie which becomes seeming as the play continues. Thechildren Ann Dorothy Barbara Irma Jo and Kathy all bully Lizzie, whileChristy and Georgina pity her. The character Rachel Brayton is a veryquiet character, possibly you nger than the other children present inthe facial expression and therefore more fearful towards Lizzie.The set in the scene that we performed consisted of some steps torepresent the schools steps and a pair of curtains to represent doors.The scene starts with the children frozen, some playing with a ball,others with cards and three with a skipping rope. The only other propthat we needed was the doll that Rachel Brayton played with. Costumeswould include schools uniforms, gr...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Sigmund Freud Essay -- Biography

Sigmund Scholmo Freud was born on May 6, 1865 in Freiburg, Moravia. Freud was orginally born Judaic but changed over to Atheism, later his Jewish past would come back to haunt him. An interesting (yet disturbing) fact is that Freuds mother, who was also his fathers second wife, was only a few years older than his two stepbrothers. galore(postnominal) people believe that this was a cause to why Freud to believe that the psychological guinea pigs are related back to sexual issues in childhood, since he had an psychological issue with this (Isbister, pg 9). As a child, Freud was the favorite among his ten brothers and sisters and the most intelligent. He was the only child among his siblings to get the best education that money could afford. When he was growing up he wanted to study law but instead chose medicine because (his quote from his autobiography) at the time, the theories of Darwin, which were then of interest, strongly attracted me, for they held out hopes of an extraordin ary advance in our understanding of the world and Goethes beautiful essay on nature read aloud in a lecture before I go away for school that decided me to become a medical student. (Strachey, pg.8). At age seventeen Freud went to the University of Vienna and then graduated in 1885 with a doctoral degree in medicine but this was hard to do because of all the negativity towards the Jewish people. During and after his college career he always believed that evolution and psychology find peoples behavior.During college, Freud done an internship at Theodor Meynerts Psychiatric Clinic and studied under Ernst Brucke, a psychology Professor. He did research about cocaine at Theordor Meynerts Pyschiatric Clinic. Midway through the research he believe that cocaine cou... .... According to whatever people this ended psychoanalysis, however, it did not because even today psychologist understood follow Freuds theories by disproving them or proving them. On September 23, 1939, Sigmund Freud died from a physician assistant overdose on morphine because he could not keep the pain from battling jaw and throat cancer, anymore. The twenty-first century was also known as the Freudian century (Thruschwell, pg.7). Sigmund Freud changed the way we think, understand, and look at psychological issues today. Of course, some of his theories has been proven false or has been updated throughout the years but he is still known as the father of psychoanalysis. Even though Freud thought that everyones problems can be traced back to childhood or sexual issues, he created and done so many different good things in the psychological and neurologic field.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Epic of Beowulf Essay - Beowulf and the Hero Myth :: Epic of Beowulf Essay

Beowulf and the Hero Myth         Beowulf contains a myriad of different heroic ethical and sociable values. Most of these values are ingeniously rooted within, or made evident by the opposing forces of the poem. The initial opposing force arrives in the work on of Grendel, a vile creature whos rampages mirror that of a modern serial killer. As the poem draws toward the conclusion, it focuses on the dragon, a creature developed by the poet to solidify the rise and fall of the archetypal hero.         After Adolf Hitler failed in his artistic studies at Vienna, he began to develop what would become a reign of terror on those who were non like him. His backlash towards a society that rejected him as an artist spawned his anti-Semitic and political beliefs. The same anti-societal anger has found its way into the minds of countless former(a) killers, both past and present. Take for example Theodore (Ted) Bundy, who in 1978, after watching students drink and dance in a college bar, witnessed a healthy ritual of joyousness from which we know he forever felt exiled.  Shortly thereafter, Bundy  left the bar and traveled to the Chi Omega sorority house where he watched from outside, entered, and then killed two girls and injure two others.         Just as Bundy had done, Grendel watched and surveyed from the distance. He waited outside the great hall, listening to the mirth and celebration from within. He hated them. The revelers inside felt no calamity of men.  They were not uninvited, outcast, and below the social class of Hrothgars company. These feelings of inadequacy propel Grendel to slaughter those who oppress him. For twelve winters  he smashes bodies and eats his victims, creating a bloody rampage and a dire need for a savior.         The question of Grendels origin is difficult to trace. The author remains ambiguous throughout the poem, referring to Grendel as biblical, but also suggesting that he is human. The authorized manuscript often refers to Grendel as man, but man with a long vowel meant evil, whereas man with a short vowel literally meant a man.  It cannot be certain which pronunciation the author intended, what has been butchered in the translation, or whether this was meant to be a crafty play on words.

A Comparison Of The Women Of Wharton And Deledda :: essays research papers fc

A Comparison of the Women of Wharton and DeleddaTwo writers, both women, both from different backgrounds. Edith Whartonwas high society. Grazia Deledda was a commoner from another country. Thoughboth wrote almost but to their won regions, their portrayal of women wasquite similar. In Whartons Ethan Frome she has two women, both distinct fromone another. In Deleddas La Madre, two women also make up the come out of the story.But there are many more similarities in these works. Released only nine yearsapart both novels deal with a struggle of the heart, of the faith, and astruggle of their moral soundness. And in both stories the women are portrayedon opposite sides of the conflict. In this paper I intend to show an apparent beat between these stories characters, and the gamut ran between the femalepersonae.Published in 1911, Ethan Frome is considered one of the bestcontemporary short novels of its time. Ethan Frome illuminated Whartonsfamiliar writing style with a touch off of imag ination. In this story, as Iexpressed in the opening paragraph, lie two women. The first is Zenobia Frome,or Zeena for short. In her late twenties, she suffers from a compounded disorderthat was thought to be brought on by her taking care of Ethans mother and herabsorption of lifes burdens. In this story she is the conflicting character.The other woman is a immature Mattie Silver, the cousin of Zeena and thehousemaid of the Fromes. Mattie is about twenty-one years old and not too muchof a house keeper since she is small and weak and clean clumsy. Butnevertheless she caught the eye of Ethan Frome who would fetch her on nights oftown revelry, and with that grew a forbidden love. This is the conflict of thestory.In 1920, Grazia Deledda published La Madre. Maria Maddalena is themother of the non-Christian priest who, throughout the book, falls to the wayside undertemptation. She is a very old-fashioned woman as is the whole town.Overprotective of her son, she helps build up the clima ctic subject area of faith. Theother woman is Agnes, a well-to-do townswoman who is the object of the priestsbackslidden affair. Unlike Ethan Frome, in this story the characters ofconflict shift between the two women. Now lets look at the comparable likenessof the women in both stories.To look at Maria Maddalena and Zeena Frome in the same frame would notbe a far stretch. both are very controlling and try to rule the lives of themen around them.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Effects of Sexual Abuse on Children Essay -- Psychology

A Brief Study of Sexual Abuse of Children and its Causes and EffectsSexual abuse of children and infants is sadly as ordinary and old as the human race itself. But it is only in recent years that much more attention has been paid to the pervasive showcase of sexual abuse among children, the majority of which occurs in the family setting. Pedophiles usually manifest signs that are readily identified. Common signs are repetitive conversations about the sexual activities of children or teens, and unreasonable masturbation to include breaking from normal daily activities to masturbate. The pedophile has a childhood history of sexual abuse and has unresolved sexual problems stemming from this history. Hobbies centering rough the collection of child pornography and sexual arousal when engaging in this hobby is a sign of a sexual perpetrator. Sexual abusers generally hurl a sense of frustration and anger released through the abuse of children. Pedophiles lack the ability to approach ap propriate sexual partners, thus they seek out children to control a sexual release. As can be seen, emotional immaturity is a factor in a pedophile personality. Social inadequacy runs in juxtaposition with emotional immaturity. Additionally pedophiles enjoy the ability of control, and the sense of power they have everywhere their victims. They feel as if they have no control over their own lives and so they take advantage of children in an attempt to achieve that sense of power. Statistics of child sexual abuse are highly controversial due(p) to the fact that reporting and compilation of this information is incomplete and cannot be fully controlled. But from the information that can be gathered it is evident that there is organic truth that sexual abus... strong indications that environmental factors do play an important role. Children who are raised in an abusive environment, as adults create an abusive bit that their children environmentally inherit, and the cycle goes on and on.As is evident, child molestation is a commonly occurring abuse when it neednt be. If parents, siblings, teachers, religious leader, and society as a whole make an attempt to observe the physical and behavioral tendencies in children, abuse can be more readily perceived and therefore eradicated. Society must not blame the victim, but must punish the perpetrators and make an effort to rehabilitate them before allowing them to form an abusive situation yet again. Sexual abuse in children is a widely growing problem which needs our attention. We need to act now before more children are subjected to these unmotivated attacks.

Effects of Sexual Abuse on Children Essay -- Psychology

A Brief Study of intimate Abuse of Children and its Causes and EffectsSexual do by of children and infants is sadly as universal and old as the human race itself. But it is only in recent years that much more attention has been paid to the pervasive instance of informal shout out among children, the majority of which occurs in the family setting. Pedophiles usually manifest signs that be readily identified. Common signs are repetitive conversations about the sexual activities of children or teens, and excessive masturbation to include breaking from normal daily activities to masturbate. The pedophile has a childhood history of sexual abuse and has unresolved sexual problems stemming from this history. Hobbies centering around the collection of child pornography and sexual arousal when engaging in this hobby is a sign of a sexual perpetrator. Sexual abusers generally have a sense of frustration and anger released through the abuse of children. Pedophiles lack the ability to appr oach appropriate sexual partners, thus they seek out children to find a sexual release. As can be seen, emotional immaturity is a factor in a pedophile personality. Social inadequacy runs in juxtaposition with emotional immaturity. Additionally pedophiles enjoy the ability of control, and the sense of power they have over their victims. They feel as if they have no control over their own lives and so they take advantage of children in an attempt to achieve that sense of power. Statistics of child sexual abuse are highly controversial due to the fact that reporting and compilation of this information is incomplete and cannot be fully controlled. But from the information that can be gathered it is evident that there is extreme truth that sexual abus... strong indications that environmental factors do play an important role. Children who are raised in an ignominious environment, as adults create an abusive slip that their children environmentally inherit, and the cycle goes on and on.As is evident, child molestation is a commonly occurring abuse when it neednt be. If parents, siblings, teachers, religious leader, and conjunction as a whole made an attempt to observe the physical and behavioral tendencies in children, abuse can be more readily perceived and therefore eradicated. Society must not blame the victim, but must punish the perpetrators and make an effort to rehabilitate them before allowing them to form an abusive situation yet again. Sexual abuse in children is a widely growing problem which needs our attention. We need to act now before more children are subjected to these unmotivated attacks.

Monday, May 27, 2019

A Case Study of Google Recruiting

A Case Study of Google Recruiting Googles recruitment process is famously difficult, with candidates having to face seven-fold interviews (weve heard stories of double figures) while those with sound work experience have been turned down due to having less than perfect college grades. As the company continues its fast expansion, it has been forced to streamline this process, with Google co-founder Sergey Brin acknowledging last year that the companys high bar for hiring was holding back its expansion.Google has increased its workforce by an average of 16 people daily, from 1,628 at the end of 2003 to 3,021 in 2004 and 5,680 at the end of last year. Candidates have had to endure interviews with various different Google staff, as well as facing aptitude tests worry this one. The average number of interviews for those offered a job at Google dropped from 6. 2 at the beginning of the year to 5. 1 in June.The company is said to be considering belt along up the process to prevent candi dates accepting other jobs while waiting for a reply from Google. Candidates shouldnt expect an easy ride though. According to the besiege Street Journal, Google Chief Executive Eric Schmidt said in July that the company was able to now in fact increase the standards by which we select and hire radical people. Google is said to place high importance on college grades, which can be frustrating for older candidates with a wealth of work experience

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Is Love Worth Preserving Essay

Is love Worth Preserving Love is a universal feeling or emotion and every mankind on earth throughout history has experienced in one form or the other. Many plays, drama or stories are surrounded by betrayal, hurt pain, trials, triumphs, wars, passion, forgiveness, commitment and romance. However In the play Sakuntala and The remember of Recollection this is a perfect example of what seems to be a more dramatic suit tragedy.The story portrays romance between pansy Dusyanta and a sages daughter Sakuntala both strive to meet and reconcile the conflicting objectives of Indian support the struggle to balance the need for power and hierarchy with undeniable feelings of passion. King Dusyanta while hunting in forest happens meet the most perfect and radical of all women his ever seen Sakuntala a beautiful young lady living in a hermitage in the forest.King Dusyanta overwhelmed with Feelings and love, so strong that he coveted sakuntala as a wife immediately ignoring his royal duties as king. The king courts her and marries her in a simple ceremony witnessed only by sakuntalas friends. The king promised to turn in by offering a ring to signify his commitment. Then Dusyanta leaves for his capital to attend to his royal duties, with the understanding that he will soon return to and take Sakuntala with him for a proper ceremony.Unfortunately, Sakuntala, lost in thoughts of king Dusyanta fails to take notice of Sage Durvasa who comes visiting the hermitage. Angered by this, Durvasa puts a curse on sakuntala that the person she is thinking about will forget her completely. The only remedy to make Dusyanta remember Sakuntala and their marriage is to show him the ring that he had given to Sakuntala. Sakuntala directly must go to Dusyanta and show him the ring so that he will again remember her.But unfortunately the ring she is carrying with her fall into a river on her way to Dusyanta and cannot be retrieved. Thus when Sakuntala faces Dusyanta he is unable to recall her. All her pleadings with Dusyanta and efforts to remind him are ineffective in bringing back memories of his commitment. Sakuntala has no alternate but to return. By series of chances the ring that fell in river was found by a fisherman and then presented to Dusyanta, through these he remembers all the medieval event forgotten.But it is too late by then. Dusyanta is not able to find Sakuntala, who has moved to some other place and has given birth in the meantime to a son, who is named Bharat. Many years later when Bharat is still a child, Dusyanta happens to firs see Bharat playing with a lion cob and then meets Sakuntala and reunited Sakuntala ring of recall presents the audience with two characters who begin as reasonably autonomous beings but who gradually compromise aspects of their identities in order to complement one another.In doing so, the power suggests that every individual is incomplete without a partner, and he depicts the ideal male and female characters during Indias classical age. Works Cited David, Damrosch, and David L. Pike. The longman Anthopology of world literature, volume A Sakuntala and the Ring of Recollection. The Ancient world, second edition.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Going to College Essay

Decisions require a lot of thorough thinking before acting. An important time in my flavor was to make the big decision to go to college. Any important decision requires touchstones to ensure that everything is completed in the correct manner.I did not attach to any sort of formal work on. However, I did weigh the pros and cons first and exhaust all options before making my final decision. First, I checked into several unlike schools in the surrounding area to see which would be a better fit for me and also see which ones offered the degree that I was in search of. later thinking of dismission to class several nights a week, I decided to explore the online university options. Online classes are much more flexible and seemed to suit me much better.I started my own my own business, which made me extremely busy. With online classes, I knew that I would be able to do things on my schedule instead of someone elses schedule. be online classes and campus once a week, was the beaver option I would have as a businessman. After a lot of research, I decided that the University of Phoenix best fit my needs and what I was looking for with my personal goals. Phoenix also offered the degree that I was looking to obtain. So, going to Phoenix was my final decision. Ive been going to Phoenix for about two years. Since I have completed about 70% of my education, Im close to obtaining my Bachelors degree in Business.As the learning states in Management Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World, the six stages in the decision making process are Identifying and diagnosing the problem, generating alternative solutions, evaluating alternatives, making choices, implementing the decision, and evaluating the decision. I identified the problem in my situation when I decided that I needed to go to school.The second step is generating alternative solutions, and the third step is evaluating the alternatives which I did by exploring my options and looking at online universitie s and brick and mortar schools as well. I then made the choice and implemented my decision. The only step that I did not do is evaluating the decision last. I evaluated the decision before I implemented it. I strongly recommend everyone to follow the decision making process. Following the process could definitely help to make healthy and intelligent decisions.ReferenceBateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A. (2011). Management Leading & collaborating in a competitive world (9th ed.). New York, NY McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Friday, May 24, 2019

How far can Shakespeare’s presentation of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth be seen as typical of their gender? Essay

Shakespeares plays were written in a period of time, which we relate to stack from by c bothing them Elizabethans. However Macbeth was written in 1606, after the death of Queen Elizabeth I during the kingship of the newly appointed James VI of Scotland (now James I of England). The play was written with the new king in mind and was based around the chronicles of Scotland. Despite this, Shakespeare still changed details within the chronicles, for instance, Banquo within the real tommyrot was actually criminalityy, but being an ancestor of King James, within the play he made him into an innocent character.Religion although not being mentioned much in Macbeth, the play still relates to evil and spirits which Lady Macbeth also relates to within the play. During this period of time women would be persecuted for this so in a way she goes against all aspects of the typical women. Within the time it was written James I believed of the divine rights of kings, this basically states how that of the Gods appoints kings, being in a time of great religion legion(predicate) men would have also thought this. Macbeth however obviously doesnt as he kills Duncan to become the king.It is debatable how Macbeth and Lady Macbeth can be seen as typical of their gender as they change so much within the play. During the play they seem to swap roles as one becomes strong the other becomes week.Macbeth is inaugural heard of by the captain, he reports to Duncan of how he bravely rips Macdonwald open from the navel to jaw. However by the end of the play no-one has a good give voice to say about him, changes like this occur many generation within the play as during this period from a hero to a butcher, Macbeths potent hood goes the setback way from being scared to taking everything in his own hands.Lady Macbeth on the other hand seems to go the complete opposite way to Macbeth altogether, she starts the play as a commanding, strong and in charge women whereas by the end of the play she is in so much self guilt that we here that she takes her own life as the her past sins are to much to take.The first major talking point towards the twos gender issues comes earlier to the murder of king Duncan. When Macbeth first thinks about the murder (Act1 Scene3 Lines 134-42) he states how whose horrid image doth unfix my hair,/And make my seated heart knock at my ribs basically content he is terrified of what he is thinking of but then says how fantastical it would be. Apart from this thought I dont believe he has the sand to commit the murder and just the thought of killing shakes his single state of man until Lady Macbeth steps in. She takes full control of the situation and at times seems more of the man than Macbeth.Lady Macbeth uses the fact that she sees Macbeth as frail and petty and challenges this manhood of his. In an attempt to convince him to kill the King (Act1 Scene 7) she challenges him by calling him a coward.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Overview of Martin Luther’s Christian Liberty Essay

Martin Luthers pamphlet, the Nazareneian Liberty, describes his feelings towards the Church. He did non agree with what the Church did. For example, the church service had besides many restrictions. Meaning that you could not practice another religion. Also, the Church had indulgences, which are supposed to be where if someone sinned, they would go to the church and pray, and have the church forgive you. But the idea of indulgences to the Catholic Church was if you sinned, then you were to pay a certain amount of money and then your sin would have been forgotten. Luther opinion the Church should be about faith, not all about power and money.In the pamphlet, Luther believes that faith nurtures the body and soul. He believed that the Church did not believe in that. Luther eventually broke away from the Church for several reasons. Some reasons were how the Church made people pay for their indulgences, how that they had too many restrictions, and how the Church had so oftentimes p ower and how they abuse it. Luther stated in his pamphlet, From this anyone can clearly see how a Christian is drop by the wayside from all things and over all things so that he needs no whole kit and caboodle to make him righteous and save him, since faith alone abundantly confers all these things.Luther in this sentence is saying how things such as indulgences are not needed to make him a better Christian, precisely if a man has enough faith, it alone exit do the job. Luther also states that for preachers not to preach only about repentance, simply also about the faith of the religion. The criticism that Luther has towards the preachers was that they abused authority that they preceptort preach commandments and promises, and they dont work solely out of serving ones neighbor they do it seeking their own profit. Luther was also angry with priests who use the word of Christ to make people dislike Jews. He believes that they should pray for the people and teach the people by ex ample.Martin Luthers solutions took the middle course and faced up too how, They want to show that they are free men and Christians only by despising and finding fault with ceremonies. What Luther meant by this was that the religious ceremonies done was not how they used to be now they entail only the power that the Church has among the people. Luther believed that you should join a church and do as they say not to gain righteousness, alone outof respect for them. He give tongue to this by, I will fast, pray, do this and that as men command, not because it is necessary to my righteousness or salvation but that I may show due respect to the pope, the bishop, the community, a magistrate, or my neighbor.Martin Luther believed of three powers or benefits of faith. One was that Christians are free from the land. If we honor God, he will honor us. He will see us as righteous and truthful people. Faith writes the soul with Christ. Christian soul therefore has all the dangerous character istics of Christ. Also Luther believes that faith gives us freedom. He states this by writing, It is clear, then, that a Christian has all he needs in faith and needs no works to justify him and if he needs no need of works, he has no need of the law and if he has no need of the law, surely he is free from the law.Since we are not perfect on earth, works help keep us moving towards our goal of perfection. Do works freely, only to please God. This is said by, however, we are not wholly recreated, and our faith and love are not yet perfect, these are to be increased, not by external works, however but of themselves. Through work, think only to benefit others. Faith is active through love. Luther stated this by, we should devote all our works to the welfare of others.But works, being nonliving things, cannot glorify God, although they can, if faith is present, be done to the glory of God. What Luther is stating here is if you have enough faith, then you can make the presence of God tr ue. Because works dont lead to righteousness, but with faith works can be done to the glory of God.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Medical Tourism By Different Authors Health And Social Care Essay

In this chapter, a figure of definitions on health check touristry ca-ca been provided. The writer has to a fault included incompatible facets on this burgeoning manufacturing that is to say its presence in the earthly concern every bit good as the grade of its incursion in Mauritius, the construction of wellness tourism go throughing through a SWOT depth psychology related to the Mauritanian context and so concluded with an overview on the bing sub judice mouldings.Definitions of health check tourism by different writers health check Tourism or health check travel is the act of going to different states to undergo health check examination checkup encumbrance such as decorative surgeries, dental consonant surgeries, or general surgeries. Medical Tourism is a new term but non a new thought. Patients have been going since a long clip in hunt of better solicitude. Medical Tourism or health tourism has been defined by Connell ( 20062 ) as a popular mass- civilization w here citizenry travel frequently long distances to other finishs such as India, Thailand, and Malaysia to obtain health check supporters such as dental consonant consonant, decorative and non-cosmetic trouble and at the same clip basking their vacations . He withal added that medical travel is the chase of medical attention aboard and coincident engaging in a more(prenominal) conventional build of touristry.Some depend subject research literature has foc hired on the evident motivations of medical tourers in going afield for medical intervention such as fiscal grounds, waiting times, and the inaccessibility of coveted intervention in the prospective medical tourers ain states of abode ( Awadzi and cat bear, 2005, Connell, 2006 ) . Another definition was cited in the Medical Tourism study ( 2006 ) , where Medical Tourism was defined as every type of travel from peerless s usual topographic level off of abode to another finish to undergo medical attentions. Health Tourism has at any rate been defined by Goodrich & A Goodrich ( 1987217 ) as the challenge on the voice of a finish to pull tourers by advancing intentionally its health- accusation serve and installations adding to its usual tourer installations.Furthermore, Medical Tourism is a phenomenon that occurs when multinational patients travel crossways boundaries for their health c are and medical demands. For case every twenty-four hours, 1000000s of North Americans, Europeans and Arabs are going to different states for medical intervention.Medical travel can likewise be defined as cost impelling medical intervention in association with the touristry industry for international patients giveing to execute any types of surgical processs ( India Medical keeping, 2007 ) . Keckly and Underwood ( 2008 ) noted that Medical Tourism is when 1 is go forthing his topographic point of occupants in order to have intervention elsewhere. In add-on, harmonizing to Horowitz and Rosensweig ( 2007 ) have argued that, medical tourers attempt to emit current wellness attention at sensible monetary values in states at variable degrees of development.Harmonizing to Awadzi and Panda ( 2005 ) , the term Medical Tourism refers to the seaward proviso of medical services in combination with the other touristry chances by utilizing comparative cost favor as the purchase point.Research workers have documented that Medical Tourism is an action whereby patients of curable diseases choose to go offshore with the intent and assurance of having withdraw wellness installations. These patients expect to be offered a steep category intervention in a really comfy ambiance. Medical Tourism does non intend that the tourers will be satisfied merely in the sense of site-seeing instead it means that these medical tourers are set ab asideing a extremely sensitive journey where their wellness is the chief focal point.An anon. research worker clearly defined the birth of Medical Tourism as K at one timeledge, applied science, equipment, medical specialties, and other elements of health business organisation system while traversing the national boundary lines with pop any restraint of nationality, race, faith or credo.Therefore, we can state that though different writers interpret the term Medical Tourism in their ain manner, at the terminal the significance remains the same.History of Medical TourismMedical Tourism is non a new construct. The history of Medical Tourism started with peck going to other states for medical intervention. This is related back when Grecian tourists were going from the Mediterranean to Epidauria, a part situated in Saronic Golf. It was said that the Saronic Golf is as well known as the Healing God . Hence, it was recorded in the Medical Tourism history that Epidauria is the original finish for Medical Tourism. Later, in the 16th and seventeenth centuries, spa towns such as St Moritz and Bath became premier finishs for the European upper c ategories to comfort their unwellness. Hence, watering place may be considered as an early signifier of Medical Tourism ( Indian Tourism Medical Industry growing chance and challenges by shikha Rastogi Grag & A Anu Bhawraj ) .During these centuries, people visited watering place beca drug abuse it was said that the mineral H2O found in that respect was handling diseases such as TB, bronchitis liver diseases, among many others. dickheadal surgery, decorative surgery and other types of surgeries are comparatively a new phenomenon ( Understanding medicaltourism )Furthermore, over the quondam(prenominal) few old ages, people have been going to many developed states for medical intervention. However, since this field is being seen as a high beginning of income, even ontogeny states are advancing Medical Tourism. Medical tourers have understood this scheme and are increasely nearing developing states due to their low-cost medical services.Health Tourism StructureHealth Tourism is the word coined to wrap the different components of give health care installations to international patients. Medical Tourism is of the subdivisions of Health Tourism. The construction of Health Tourism has been illustrated in Table below. As stated in Chapter 1 of this survey, the research worker will concentrate merely on Medical Tourism.Medical Tourism near the human beingsMedical Tourism is going an emerging cosmopolitan manner. Every twenty-four hours more and more people are choosing for medical attention aboard. We should therefore inquire ourselves Why do people prefer to go for long distances instead than having medical intervention in their states? This reply relies in both elements a ) cost and B ) quality of wellness attention. That is they look for a topographic point where they can acquire moderately priced top-class wellness intervention. With clip, contradictory patients have been able to see many parts of the universe in order to run into the supra mentioned two critical ingredients to measure up as a good Medical Tourism finish. Research shows that the below listed seven states are the most preferable Medical Tourism finishs in the universe crewmanPanama is classified as the top Medical Tourism finishs, by pulling chiefly US and Canadian patients. It is considered as one of the best and celebrated topographic point in the universe to set about costmetic and non decorative interventions. This is because of its outstanding health care services, modish engineering science, safety and low cost for medical attention and hospitalization.Treatment in Panama is besides extremely regarded as physicians are bilingual, board certified and they used to work with the similar medical setup used by European medical touristry finishs. Factors lending for the assenting in wellness touristry in Panama are its natural attractive forces, cultural diverseness and its strategic and geographical place. The common medical processs undergo by international pa tients are decorative surgeries ( healthtourism, all, Medical Tourism Global Competition in Health Care by Devon M. Herrick )BrazilBrazil can be said to be the international Mecca for decorative and fictile surgeries. It is categorized as the universe s 2nd taking commercialize for the intervention of plastic surgeries. Many tourers, peculiarly adult females, travel to Brazil to heighten their physical visual aspects. Brazil has tonss of qualified sawboness and infirmaries equipped with sophisticated engineerings. Surgeons use the latest cutting-edge techniques to offer patients with interventions such as face lift, suction lipectomy and agency implants. Cosmetic and fictile surgeries are the most demanded intervention of orthogonal patients ( Nuwire Investors )MalayaBesides its cultural, antique and natural appeals, Malaysia is on the path to tag itself as a low priced and sophisticated health care hub in Asia ( By Elaine ANG ) . Malaysia is classified amongst the universe top six Medical Tourism finish ( Nuwire investors ) Medical Tourism has been disseminate outing quickly during these fresh old ages. Peoples from several states are pursuance health care intervention at that place. Malaysia has become a Centre of medical excellence because of its high quality medical installations and services and besides it has a great figure of good trained and qualified medical specializers ( Tourism Malaysia, 2007 ) Thirty five private infirmaries have been identified as the key drivers for medical touristry for this peculiar state. The figure of wellness travellers in hunt of health care services in Malaysia has increased from 75,210 patients in 2001 to 296,687 patients in 2006, stand foring an addition of over 290 % over 5 old ages.Furthermore, the entire figure of medical tourer geting in the state has reached 425,500 in 2009. It has besides been estimated that in 2012 medical tourers in Malaysia would make 689,000. International patients and investors are attracted to Malaysia because of its favourable exchange rate, political & A frugal stableness and high rate of literacy ( Nuwire investors ) The common medical interventions that international patients assay in Malaysia are decorative intervention including nose job, oculus surgery, face lift, cardiac processs and birthrate interventions.Costa RicaCosta Rica is renowned to be both a popular touristry and Medical Tourism finish. It has first-class medical and wellness attention installations which are universe widely certified. The medical suppliers in Costa Rica offer modern engineering and protocols. Costa Rica is considered to be the lone medical finish in the universe that has 100 % of private infirmaries that have earned JCI accreditation which helps to hike up Medical Tourism in the state ( costaricanmedicalcare ) . There are several factors that have contributed to the success of Costa Rica as one of the top finish for international patients and some are pol itical stableness, neighbourly environment, low-cost monetary value of interventions, high rate of literacy, geographically good located and quality of service. Some popular medical processs in Costa Rica are decorative and fictile surgeries, dental intervention, orthopaedic and ophthalmology.IndiaIndia has the lowest cost and highest quality as compared to all Medical Tourism finishs ( Report for national Center for policy Analysis, NCPA ) Many infirmaries are accredited by the JCI and there are tonss of extremely trained physicians. India s Medical Tourism sector is spread outing at a really rapid addition with about 500,000 medical travellers in 2005 as compared to an estimated 150,000 patients in 2002. Experts estimate that wellness touristry could become approximately $ 2.2 billons in 2010 ( University of Delaware s u- day-to-day intelligence ) . Medical tourers prefer to take India as their health care finish because of the presence of efficient sub social systems and matu re engineering. Common interventions undergo by international patients in India cardiovascular, orthopaedic, rectification of eyes, dental attention, decorative surgeries, malignant neoplastic disease diagnosing and articulatio genus organ transplant.SiamThailand has gained the title as an unbelievable Medical Tourism finish. The Thai state has several infirmary internationally accredited infirmaries which offers diferent types of medical interventions, get downing from organ grafts to dental and decorative surgeries. The infirmaries use latest and sophisticated engineering and delivers outstanding quality of wellness attention to their patients.Reasons for taking Thailand as a medical finishPersonal attention is provided to patients duplicate services such as linguistic communication interlingual rendition which are of great aid to foreign patients are offered High engagement of the Thai governement to pass along Medical Tourism Presence of well-trained physicians from the Unite d States more or less of the physicians and staff speak English.( Medical Tourism cooperation- Thailand functionary web sites )SingaporeSingapore is known for its effectivity in supplying outstanding health care services. It is a multi-faceted regional medical hub, both for medical services and besides the right meeting topographic point where wellness conferences and carnivals can take topographic point. Singapore is classified as a taking health care hub in Asia. It attracts about 200,000 international patients per yr. Singapore is a said to be a universe category metropolis. It is politically stable, peaceable and safe. One of the ends of the Singapore authorities is to pull over a million abroad patients in 2012. Its adjacent rivals are Thailand and Malaysia ( asiasmedicaltourism )Reasons for taking Singapore as a medical finishTop quality health care servicesA really groovy stateLow-cost monetary valuesPolitical StabilityLow offense and high security rateMedical Tourism in M auritiusThis subdivision provides an overview of Medical Tourism in Mauritius. We will look at the health care installations that are offered by the state to its patients. The grounds as to why Mauritius can be chosen as a Medical Tourism finish have besides been set out. This subdivision wraps up with some information on the medical substructures visible(prenominal) in Mauritius.An overview of Medical Tourism in MauritiusMany research workers call Mauritius, Charming Mauritius as even without any luck doing natural resources, it has the ability to make economic pillars maintain its development. In its portfolio, sugar production, fabric industry, offshore banking, touristry and ICT are included and now a new economic avenue looks approachable and it is called the Medical Tourism. With nearly 1000 medical tourers in 2005, making some 12,000 in 2011, BOI is aiming about 100,000 in 2020. Every ten old ages, as if by thaumaturgy, Mauritius has pulled out of the chapeau an economi c pillar which has made of this island the illustration to be emulated by African provinces ( Invest Mauritius 2011 ) .Over, the past few old ages, Mauritius has experienced an addition in the reaching of international patients. Having batch of qualified physicians, medical forces and private clinics which are sophistically good equipped with the latest engineering, Mauritius is besides geographically good office staffed to spread out its health care sector. As said by officers of BOI Maurice is clearly on path to go the centre of excellence in medical specialty and a high-tech hub of Medical Tourism ( Muslim Times 2011 ) Medical Tourism is non a new construct in Mauritius as clinics have been handling tourers since 12 old ages. Medical Tourism is considered as a niche market for the touristry industry and go on to bloom due to the high service quality and intervention available in Mauritius. The monetary values of processs equal to one tierce of the European monetary values an d this is one of the chief motivations for the high inflow of medical tourers. Furthermore, Mauritius has an upper manus on other states as apart from the nucleus medical services, medical tourers have the chance to pass their retrieval period in an idyllic surrounding.The Mauritanian Government is non go forthing any rock unturned in its attempt to advance Medical Tourism. The most recent illustration lies in the Mauritanian National Budget 2012, whereby the authorization exempted VAT on decorative surgeries so as to do the cost of these processs more competitory. The evaluate reaction to this step is of class to hike the Medical Tourism activities.As per BOI s records, the medical sector in Mauritius contributed about 3.7 % of the GDP over the past four old ages and the growing rate in this sector in twelvemonth 2011 is 6.3 % as compared to 2010. The figure of medical work force is besides increasing to suit for the addition in demand for medical services. fancy below shows the alteration in the entire figure of medical staffs for the period 2006 to 2010 ( BOI study 2012 )Figure Increasing tendency of Healthcare specializer over the past 5 old agesBeginning invest MauritiusReasons for taking Mauritius as a Medical Tourism finishLarge web of professional private clinicsPolitical and societal stablenessGeographically good positionedMost of the physicians or other medical phase are polyglotState-of -art of medical installationsDirect flight from and to MauritiusCompared to other states, Mauritius offers better intervention at lower monetary valuesLatest development in term of engineering and substructureMost of the physicians are trained in European statesMedical substructures in MauritiusMauritius is rather rich in footings of medical substructures. It besides encourages preparations of the medical professionals. Due to the friendly relationship that Mauritius has with other states, it benefits from the cognition of universities of states such as France, U K, China, Australia, Egypt, Russia amongst others. The handiness of health care substructures is illustrated in figure below.Figure Medical Infrastructures in Mauritius( Beginning BOI pamphlet )Key drivers/ Players of Medical Tourism in MauritiusA figure of cardinal players/drivers are present in Mauritius to guarantee the growing of Medical Tourism. Some has been listed belowApollo Bramwell Hospital ( ABH )Fortis Darne CliniqueClinique du NordClinique de Greffe de Cheveux in Trou Aux BichesDent attentionApollo Bramwell Hospital ( ABH )ABH is the largest health care group in Asia. Since 2006, a subdivision has been implanted in Mauritius. ABH Mauritius is situated in the territory of Moka. This infirmary has been build in such a manner that it can make international criterion of patient attention. Under one roof itself, one can happen a infirmary equipped with superior engineering and good qualified medical expertness. It has been constructed to supply first category medical insta llations for both national and international patient. ABH Mauritius is the largest private infirmary in Mauritius and in the Indian Ocean. It has all the necessary demands in term of latest sophisticated medical equipment and expertness to bring around international patients. Its purpose is to guarantee that patients are provided with top quality services and safety all degree. Below is a list of medical services and attainment engineerings offered by ABHThe medical Servicess provided allocated to different divisions viz. Heart CentersDepartment of Plastics and Cosmetic SurgeriesDepartment of dermatologyDepartment of physical therapyDepartment of Paediatrics & A NeonatologyDepartment of alveolar consonant servicesDepartment of rhinolaryngologySuper forte clinics and other CentersFurthermore, the nosologies section is to the full equipped with the latest equipment and accomplishments technicians. This consists ofPicture Archiving and Communication System ( PACS )PACS engineering is now used by most of the top infirmaries of the universe. It is an machine-controlled and filmless information system for obtaining, forming, reassigning, lading and showing different types of medical descriptions consisting of X raies, MRI and endoscopy. With this debut, ABH are able to offer the uttermost criterions quality of services. PACS allows fast broadcast of images to physicians in critical countries therefore minimising practices in diagnosing.Electronic Medical Record ( EMR )EMR refers to electronically maintained online medical records which step in the heavy and cumbrous physical files of the past which were restricted in handiness. EMR can be accessed at multiple locations by multiple users for cut downing mistakes in medicine and holds in monitoring patients.High Field Strength MRIMagnetic Resonance Imaging ( MRI ) with Achieva 1.5T SE provides uncompromised quality in disputing applications like big field-of-view for abdominal and chest imagination, unvarying fat suppression in all anatomies and consistent off-center imagination, across patients of all highs and organic structure weight.Whole Body MRIWhole Body MRI is impressive for measuring the full skeleton in patients with suspected bone metastasis ( malignant neoplastic disease that spread to the bone from other parts of the organic structure ) in a individual imagination scan and it merely takes between 15 and 19 proceedingss. Besides its truth and adeptness, the fact that it is an MRI scan agencies it is non-invasive and there is no radiation hazard to the patient. Whole Body MRI can besides observe metastases in other parts of the organic structure besides the castanetss, such as in encephalon, liver or lungs.Therefore, it can be said with all its latest medical engineerings, ABH is good situated to go one of the most popular clinic in the Indian Ocean pulling medical tourers from African and European states( Beginning Apollo bramwell web site )Clinique Fortis DarneClinique Fortis Darne is one of the oldest clinics but even so modern medical service supplier in Mauritius. Strategically situated in the Centre of the Island, Clinique Fortis Darne provides first category medical installations with the aid of progresss engineering. Clinique Fortis Darne has batch of specialize sections in assorted countries of health care. The vision of Fortis Darne is To be a globally healthcare administration known for Clinical excellence and Distinctive Patient attention . The clinic offers panoply of incorporate services through different centres. Below are the lists of medical services that Fortis Darne offersTable Medical services offered by Fortis Darne( Beginning Fortis Darne Websites )Clinique du NordAt Clinique du Nord, Dr Mukesh Sookundun has been offering his services to Medical Tourists for the last past 12 old ages. It is a private clinic with epicurean suites. This clinic is situated near a white sand beach of Baie du Tombeau. Clinique du Nord has a squad of sp ecializers, physicians, nurses and other trained staff. It is said that, they provide first category medical intervention to both their national and international patients. The specializers make usage of latest equipment and techniques. Clinique du Nord is one of the most reputable private infirmaries where there are international medical experts. Apart being the specializer in ENT, the infirmary is chiefly recognised for its medical installations that it provides to medical tourers. Hence, there are a broad figure of international patients who visit this Clinique. Below is the list of medical processs that Clinique du Nord offers ( Clinique du Nord Websites & A booklets )Table Medical intervention offered by Clinique du NordThe Indian Ocean Hair Grafting, Cosmetic Dentistry and Plastic Surgery CentreThis clinic is situated near one of the most attractive beaches of Mauritius, viz. Trou aux Biches . It is said to be a five star centre for hair grafting, decorative and fictile sur geries. This peculiar Centre has 12 old ages of experience. It makes usage of the latest engineering and techniques. Most of the physicians are universe renowned professionals ( Indian Ocean hair grafting web sites )Table Medical Treatment offered by The Indian Ocean Hair Grafting, Cosmetic Dentistry and Plastic Surgery CentreDent CareDent Care is located in the garden of an old sugar cane mill at Labourdonnais ( Mapou ) in the northern portion of Mauritius. It is good known in the universe of decorative and dental surgeries. Most of the physicians are trained in France and United States. Most of them are bilingual. They make usage of the most up to day of the month engineering. It is said that intervention at Dent attention can be around 50 % less than in other states. Available medical services areVeneers and CrownCeramic InlaiesTeeth WhiteningPlastic surgeries( Beginning Dent care web sites )SWOT Analysis For Medical Tourism In MauritiusThe Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and T hreat ( SWOT ) summary is a utile technique and scheme for understanding strengths and failings and besides for placing both chances and Menaces that a concern can confront. A new entrant like Medical Tourism requires such analysis. This scheme will assist to hold a better thought on the place of Medical Tourism in Mauritius. This mechanism can therefore assist in the development of effectual and efficient selling schemes to advance Medical Tourism in Mauritius. The SWOT analysis for Medical Tourism has been designed as per tabular array below.SWOT Analysis TableTable Swot Analysis2.7.2 SOME FACTS AND FIGURES OF MEDICAL TOURISM IN MAURITIUSAn intense research has been done to hold the latest interruption down on the reaching of Medical Tourists in Mauritius the research worker has received that of twelvemonth 2010, which has been illustrated below. However, an of import information refering twelvemonth 2011 was received following a study conducted on health care suppliers in Mauri tius whereby BOI made the undermentioned statement Mauritius expects the figure of foreign patients seeking medical attention on the Indian Ocean island state to increase by 36 % in 2011 as compared to 2010 . The same beginning added that the figure may even increase to 15,000 and besides Mauritius has set itself a mark of pulling 100,000 foreign patients by 2020 . This will presumptively lend about $ 1 billion yearly to the economic system.Figure Number of foreign patients sing Mauritius in twelvemonth 2010( Beginning BOI study )The above Pie-Chart illustrates the states from which patients are largely from and besides the figure of medical tourers landed in Mauritius in 2010. Mauritius does non merely have a accompaniment in the Indian Ocean but besides in France and UK, with 22 % of Europeans acknowledging our medical services. These figures show that, small by small, Mauritius is making an individuality of it being a medical touristry finish.Figure Medical Procedures underg one by foreign patients in 2010( Beginning BOI study )Figure Number of foreign patients seeking intervention in Mauritius during the period 2006 to 2010( Beginning BOI Survey )Harmonizing to this graph, we can see that the reaching of International patients to Mauritius is so increasing. Hence, we can state that Mauritius seems to hold a bright hereafter in Medical Tourism.Price comparings of common medical processs SoughtTable Price comparing in US Dollars for decorative surgeriesMauritius is largely sought by medical tourers for its decorative surgeries. In the position of holding an thought about the monetary value degrees of these decorative surgeries, the above tabular array has been worked out. The monetary value of six decorative surgeries have been looked up and compared with seven other states. The tabular array shows that on norm the charges in Mauritius are lower as compared to the other states. It besides looks that India can go a menace to Mauritius ( Source BOI Brochur e )Table Price comparing in US Dollars for Non- decorative surgeriesEthical and Legal IssuesMedical Tourism is a turning phenomenon and it is a executable net income devising sector for an economic system. Despite the fact that there are many benefits of being treated on board such as low cost and quality wellness attention, there are besides some hazards that are associated with Medical Tourism. These hazards can be classified as legal and ethical issues.There are study ethical jobs around Medical Tourism such as the illegal trading of variety meats and tissues for organ transplant. The humans Health Organisation estimates that 10,000 illegal operations affecting human variety meats occur each twelvemonth ( The Guardian 2012 ) The illegal organ trade is the glum side of the otherwise legal Medical Tourism Industry ( The National, 2011 ) .These illegal minutess have been suspected in China and India in 2007. Additionally, in 2008 a major job cropped up in Thailand where it was s aid that physicians were so bemused with foreign patients that they started pretermiting Thai patients. Furthermore, the quality of infirmaries and their staffs give rise to a large issues it can be hard to verify the makings of physicians and other medical staffs. Besides in some instances, patients may non be covered under their personal wellness insurance as insurance Torahs vary from state to state and therefore it becomes a job for them to pay for the wellness attention services undergone. Among the legion jobs related to Medical Tourism, we besides have the hazard of international patients going with infective diseases. Therefore, any state looking frontward to advance Medical Tourism must take into reflection all the facets environing this country ( Understanding Tourism 2008 )Model Regulating Medical TourismMedical Tourism is said to see a dual growing, $ 100 billion in 2012 with a growing rate of 20 % to 30 % ( Times of India ) However, the absence of a planetary legal mod el is noticeable. As such, states sing Medical Tourism use their ain regulations and ordinances. To get down with in 2004, European-Union ( EU ) patients looking for health care in the EU provinces were requested to demo their European Health redress Card ( EHIC ) . This peculiar card has replaced the E111 signifier ( it is the old EU process guaranting patient s reimbursement by the societal security of their place state ) and thence allowed the EU citizens the right of entree to healthcare in any EU member province. The services which they offered were hospitalization, physician audience, dental medicine and other services offered by the general wellness attention system within the EU merely and applicable merely to EU states.Furthermore, there are states that have taken the incentive to present Medical Visas . This allows patients to go to a peculiar state for medical intervention and remain for the continuance of their intervention. For case, India has taken this enterprise . In add-on, to do the entree to medical installations by foreign patients easy, many private clinics are using for accreditation from the JCI.Another state where Medical Tourism is turning is Thailand and it has introduced its ain regulations and ordinances. For illustration, processs for health care installations and licensing of medical physicians and other medical staffs are approved by the Ministry of Public and Health. In fact, the medical professional licensing is overseen by the Profession Commission of 19 members of different professions. The above illustrations show that there is no proper international government ordinance for Medical Tourism. As such each state tries to implement its ain model. Mauritius besides does non hold any regulations and ordinance regulating Medical Tourism.Chapter DecisionThis chapter is really rich in information on Medical Tourism. A figure of definitions as provided by different writers have been stated along with a short but really interesti ng history on Medical Tourism. It is evident that many states of the universe are concentrating on this value added merchandise and Mauritius is besides non dawdling behind. Over the past decennary there has been a mushrooming of healthcare service suppliers in Mauritius and the investors are really satisfied with the state of affairs. To back up this statement, testimony of foreign investors has been included in Appendix B. Furthermore, the writer has worked out a SWOT analysis to measure the deduction of this value added merchandise in Mauritius and has concluded by supplying some really utile information with respects to the legal issues and model modulating Medical Tourism.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Overworked and Underpaid: The Life of a Servant Essay

$2. 85 stubnot even buy one gallon of regular gas, who could imagine that that is my hourly wage. Waitresses and housekeepers are stereotypically female roles, however, hoi polloi are unaware of whats fuck the smile. My jobs as a housekeeper and waitress are both tough because of the lack of pay, customer service, and dirtiness. Some jobs really beart get the amount of pay they deserve both housekeeping and serving would fall into this category. In Wisconsin, minimum wage of a server is less(prenominal) than half of standard minimum wage.Not all people are bad pollpers, but its hard not to get discouraged when youre making mediocre money and receiving, at best, a forty to sixty dollar paycheck every two weeks. After a slow night, a party of ten walked in just minutes before the kitchen closed. Needing money for school, I took the group, not knowing how demanding they would be. After waiting on them hand and foot, curve over backwards to give them great service, their bill amoun ted to over two hundred thirty dollars. As I collected their bill, they informed me of how great of an acknowledge they had and how well of a job I had done.Upon counting the money, I found that they had left me a measly cardinal five dollars for all of the effort I put in. When you go out with a bigger group to a eatery, naturally you tip twenty percent because of the extra work it takes to wait on you. I dont find this a problem considering the minimum amount to tip a waitress is fifteen percent, according to sources. Housekeepers, however, work at a higher pay, but not much above the minimum wage, which isnt nearly enough compensation, considering what they have to deal with. Unlike waitressing, housekeeping requires long-acting hours, and more strenuous work.On average, I had ten to fifteen rooms a shift, and on top of that, at least(prenominal) two large tons of linens to fold. Upon receiving my paychecks, I was always disappointed at the small amount left over after taxe s and other deductions. There was one font, however, that I found twenty dollars in an empty room. Underneath it was a note saying, Thank you Even though this was a rare occurrence, it was always nice knowing the recognition few of the tenants gave us for our hard work.But how much is enough? This leads me to customer service, which is a privilege, not a right. Smile and bring the customers whatever they need the general advice addicted from many business owners in the service industry. This is much easier said than done. Ninety-nine percent of the people I wait on are pleasant, but thither have been a handful of incidents where I had to bite my tongue in order to refrain from yelling, or even worse, quitting. A common misconception from unsatisfied restaurant customers is that the server prepares the foodour sole job is to submit a ticket to the kitchen staff what food you need so it can be served in a timely manner.I waitress at a bar and grill right on Main Street in my homet own. It receives more business from topical anesthetic and non-local patrons than other restaurants in the area. In reality, our kitchen is not nearly big enough to keep up with our outside patio and inside tables in the summer. There was an instance this summer during Friday night fish fry where we were completely slammed. Upon greeting my customers, I informed them there would be a wait on pizzasseeing as that was a hot commodity for the evening. That table decided that they would wait, ordered a pizza, and wait they did.They continuously asked when their food was out during the course of their visit and grew more and more mad the more they asked. I was able to get out the food right before they almost left without even eating, they were rude to me the whole time, entirely because of how long the food took. Not recognizing that this was not at all my fault, they decided that it would be appropriate to not even leave me a dime on their seventy-five dollar bill. I was astonished a t how inconsiderate and rude some people could be when the time of the service of the food had nothing to do with me.On the other hand, customer service can be very rewarding as well. When I house kept, I had the pleasure of making psyches whole day by giving them a clean space to reside in. One time a toddler requested a toothbrush because he forgot his. Upon returning with his toothbrush he was so polite and just made my whole day. More times than not, customer service can be rewarding, but theres always a little dirtiness in every job. If you thought dirty described your household or the dishes in your kitchen sink, you have no idea unless youve worked in a restaurant or in housekeeping.As a server, you handle hundreds of peoples dishes, and even more unsportsmanlike silverware, but thats not even the tip of the iceberg there are many other dirty situations you encounter while on the job. everyplace this past Labor Day weekend, in the midst of a dinner rush, a patron of the re staurant, had a little too much to drink and couldnt get his dinner of brandy manhattans to the garbage or nearby bathroom, but instead all over my shoes. This is not the first or last time I will clean up vomit, Im sure of it. As a housekeeper, you get a glimpse of how people live.Unfortunately, its the side behind closed doors thats not such a privilege to see. I could write a book about all of the disgusting things I sawing machine in these absolutely disastrous rooms. One weekend there was a wedding party in town, and man did they like to party. I walked into the room and the linens were the least of my worries, I had to pick used condoms off the bed and vomit from the floor. Disgusted beyond belief I was, and that feeling doesnt include the numerous amounts of close up toilets I had to cleanI dont tend to do well with feces.This demonstrates a few different examples of why workers in these lines are underpaid, underappreciated, and unhygienic (at times). Sometimes, I really wonder if the small amount of pay, tears and stress from undeserving customers, and risk of disease (need I remind you of the condoms) is all worth it. However, past I remember that I could be unemployed and realize that I would definitely rather work. So if youve learned anything after reading this paper, remember to tip your service workers well, they usually always deserve it.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Dramatic irony in Of Mice and Men Essay

The major mockery in Of Mice and hands is that George kills Lennie because of their friendship. George kills Lennie to spare him from a worse death. George complained ab away Lennie and his defects, but realizes his importance unaccompanied after his death. Once Lennie is dead, George loses the weightiness of responsibility Lennie caused him, but he is also lonely. Also, Lennie and Georges day breathing in to own their own farm that is carried out throughout the novel dissapears with Lennies death.George and Lennie dream of owning a little farm of ten acres with a windmill, a little shack, an orchard and many animals. The dream keeps them going and makes their work easier but also solidifies their friendship. The dream that leads them on willing die with Lennies death. The dream of Lennie and George is one of the types of American Dream popular in American fiction. Their dream is that of wealth and land, the desire for a home, and to work their own land. For Lennie in particul ar it is to pass on responsibility for once, to look after the rabbits, and to finally have a sense of self worth. Yet the irony in Of Mice and Men is that the dream seems a mirage, it will not be achieved. George and Lennie try to deny their brotherly class and role in the world, but the outcome will prove this dream to be unreachable. George and Lennie only own their arms and the friendship between them.Lennies retardation causes irony in the novel. Despite the accompaniment that Lennie is fundamentally good, a grown child, he harms those that surround him. This can be seen when he kills the mouse because he stroked it too hard. Yet, the killing of the mouse was caused by his affection for it, and his liking its soft fur. Similarly, he kills the puppy, and eventually Curleys wife. All these acts occur not payable to hatred or the intentional desire to harm, but due to his childish affection, and love for the mouse, the puppy and Curleys wife. Lennie is simply too slow to reali ze his own enduringness and his retardation is the cause of his death. Despite the fact George tried to keep him out of trouble, Lennie eventually puts himself in a situation from which he cannot be writed. All Lennie can do is kill him to avoid him a worse fate.Ironically, it is also love that causes Lennies death. George kills him to save him from linching. And once again, their is irony in Georges situationat the end of the book. Despite the weight Lennie was to his friend, because of to his mental retardation, George is alone and lonely at the end of the novel. Through these feelings he realizes the worth of his friendship with Lennie, that was greater than the problems caused by his retardation but that still caused his death. Loneliness troubles many characters in Of Mice and Men, including Candy, Crooks, Curleys wife, and Slim. Their desire for human company makes them human and makes George and Lennie unselfish and good in their friendship that is stronger than their amic able condition.In Of Mice and Men, the fundamental irony is that no matter how elaborately George and Lennie plan their future, and regardless of how strongly they anticipate and dream their plan wil not happen. George and Lennie are forced to work the land of others, dreaming for the day they will own their own farm. They work hard to reach their dream, yet the effects of Lennies retardation, despite him universe good, will cause them not to achieve their dream. George and Lennies friendship is what makes them unique, yet did not stop their good-for-naught destiny.Despite the fact that Lennie is a weight for George, George always ends up defending him but cannot do anything to save him in the end and his forced to kill him. He kills him for love and this is another element of irony in Of Mice and Men. But once Lennie is dead, George is lonely and despite his attachement to his dream of owning a farm he has to realize his dream has died with Lennie, because it was their dream, no t his own.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Importance of Computer in Schools Essay

Tara Dodrill began report professionally in 1990. She is a travel writer and photographer working for print and online media, primarily screen Florida, ecotourism and off-the-beaten-path destinations. Her writing credits include RUMBUM, Yahoo News, Visit South magazine,and North Carolina Coastal Guide. She studied journalism and education at Ohio University and real estate at Hondros College. Computer classes in schools are important to a well-rounded education. Students are instructed on the basics of electronic computer substance abuse as early as kindergarten.educational software, often presented in a game-like format, entertains younger students while they learn key concepts. ? Technology Skills * The importance of computer study in schools goes beyond the reinforcement of classroom subjects and remedial assistance. Nearly all students will be faced with the need for applied science skills when they attend college or enter the workforce. Keyboarding Classes * Keyboarding cla sses in elementary schools have replaced the ancient typing classes once offered in high schools.Students learn at a young age how to use computers to generate reports, type essays and research homework assignments. * Career Preparation * Computer skills learned in kernel school and high school will benefit students during higher education courses and their careers. Students as young as 12 learn how to create Power Point presentations, video projects and photo slideshows. Online Access * By skill how to use computers, students even in low-income areas have access to the world at large.Online learning courses, which were once a rarity at colleges, now comprise a large portion of many schools course catalogs. bad Learners * Students who are introduced to computer courses at an early age adapt quickly to advances in engineering, and typically do not fear additional training and new concepts as adult learners. Effect of Science and engineering in our lives As what I show about how Science and Technology affects our lives, That there are returnss and disadvantages. The Advantages are, it makes our lives truthful by using equipment that finish easily finish and do well the work or job.We potful save more time and energy so that we elicit perform and do our other job. We can now easily communicate our love ones and relatives by using cellphone and internet, it can connect us even they are in the other part of the world and then with digital camera, we can manipulate them only like they are in front of us. Technology now can give us more information about what are happening around the world that help us to pull in aware and prepare for disaster and calamity that might happen in our country or in our place.Science and Technology can cure our diseases, provide us shelter and foods for crowd hatful. Most of the people think that there are more advantages of science and engineering as compare to the disadvantages. The major advantage of science and technolog y is that it has made our lives easier like invention of technology has decreased the manual work. The use of technology in agriculture has increased our productivity. Doing work at workplaces is easier be drift of invention of computers and notebooks.Development of technology in kitchens, stunner parlors, workplace, research labs and in all fields of life has become the necessity. Now we can study and understand our history,culture and society and by the help of Science and Technology we can share our stories of whats happening in our life, what we name and what we discover to by this way we can also help the children of the next generation. The major advantage of technology and science is to assist mankind in living well and more easily and in get around health.There is also disadvantages on Science and Technology Many years comes our atmosphere slowly ruin because of the air pollution that came from the factory and it can cause Green House Effect (GHE) it is a extremity by w hich thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric nursery gasses and is re-radiated in all directions. And it is harm for the people. Science and Technology make people lazy because people just depend on it and not do there work well.It will increased the anxiety of our lives, when technology goes in the wrong hand it can have an negative impact in our society it can create cyber crime, hacking, stealing of personal information and pornography websites. It also gives opportunities to the terrorist to make crime like bombing. As technology develops we forget our traditions style of living. it simply destroying our life styles. It also destroying our nature because of illegal logging, and mining and others, this is the cause of landslide and flood that can kill many people because nature cant stop it anymore.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Character and Point of View in “The Red Convertible” Essay

The Red Convertible is a short tosh by Louis Erdrich, in which two native American brothers named Marty and Henry decide to steal a red convertible Oldsmobile unitedly. The two brothers sp contain much of the summer travelling around to buildher in the car until the older brother, Stephan, is deployed to Vietnam. When Stephan returns, he is not the same and Marty tries desperately to recover their past human relationship. The round, static, perseverant role of Marty in The Red Convertible is revealed through the first person channelize of view.The younger brother in the spirit level, Marty, is round and static. Throughout the entire story, the ref is given insight into Martys thoughts and feelings, such as, I was condemn commensurate Id ever bought it, though, because of Stephan, and I was also sorry Id bought color (Erdrich 5). Marty does not openly convey this statement to his family. Martys beliefs and values do not change over the feast of the story. In the beginning he , thought back to times wed sat still for whole afternoons (5) and in the end of the story he yells at Stephan, wake up, wake up, wake up (8). This shows that at the end of the story, Marty wants things to be normal just like he did in the beginning of the story.Martys perseverant nature influences the story because it shows how deeply he longs for his relationship with his brother to be normal again, and creates a sense of desperation. For example, Marty says, One shadow Stephan was off somewhere. I took myself a hammer. I went out to that car and I did a number to its underside. whacked it up (6). This shows how much he is willing to do to make Stephan normal again despite Stephans serious condition. Also, when Marty says, By the time I get out of the river, off the snag I pulled myself onto, the cheer is down it is implied that he tried to save Stephan from drowning, again showing how desperate Marty is to wealthy person his brother back.The point of view of the story is firs t. The author repeatedly uses statements like Im laughing so weighed down (10) and, I walk back to the car (10). This makes it clear that the story is being told from Martys point ofview. The way out of using a first person point of view in the story is allowing the reader to have an emotional connection with Marty because it puts the reader in his shoes. The story may not be effective if told from some other point of view such as third dramatic because the reader would not be able to fully understand the depth of Martys connection with his brother because his feelings would not be expressed in the story.The round, static, perseverant character of Marty is revealed through the first person point of view. Because the story is told from Martys perspective, it reveals how desperately he wants Stephan to get better. For example, Marty says I tell you right then I wanted to smash that tube to pieces (5). This shows how he was energetic to destroy something he worked hard for in hopes it will help to make his brother better. Throughout the story Marty continues to do things to try to make Stephan better and through the first person point of view the reader sees how often he hopes and tries to accomplish this.By the authors use of the first person point of view, it allows the reader to be put into Martys shoes, therefore developing a round, static character and reveals to the reader how perseverant Marty was due to his relationship with his brother.Work CitedErdrich, Louise. The Red Convertible. Print.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Ethics Log Essay

I was out shopping with a friend and saw something that struck me as very un estimable. We were eating at the mall and the mankindager at 1 of the fast food places at the food court was given extra money hence was due by a customer that was directly ahead of my friend in line. Instead of self-aggrandizing the lady back the extra money he pocketed the money. I live that we be in a financially terrible time, and still the man should have told the women that she gave him too much money instead of pocketing the difference. It made me promptly decide to eat at a different place that day. September 15, 2008I was struck today by something that made me have faith in other concourse. A man was rushing to leave a storehouse and his wallet dropped out of his pocket. Two teenagers were standing approximately and observance the people going in and out and they both saw what happened. One of them walked everyplace and picked up the wallet. I design that the kid was going to pocket t he money in the wallet, except instead he walked over to where the man was still putting groceries into his car. He handed the man his wallet and told him that he saw it add up out of his pocket. The man give thanksed him and offered him a reward. The kid shook his head and said a reward wasnt necessary.Most of the time teenagers are given a bad name, but seeing that kid be as honest as he was made me feel good knowing that our future are the work force of kids the like that. September 22, 2008 I was taking my mother to the doctor and I saw something that seemed to me to be very unethical. Two nurses were waiting for the elevator and they were discussing patients, using the first names of those patients. No one else was around the elevator, so these two women must have thought they were alone. I couldnt believe my ears, because they were talking in very load tones and telling each other about the details of each patient.I know that doctors are held to strict ethical standards a nd I thought nurses were too. Anyone could have been listening to these two women gossiping. They finally halt when I cleared my throat and gave them a look. September 29, 2008 I was watch the evening forward-lookings and one story struck me as interesting. It was a story about a building contractor who had utilize substandard materials on some houses that he had built. The people who had bought these homes found mold and parts of their houses were falling atomic pile so that living in these homes were dangerous to the occupants.I have always believed that building contractors had an ethical expert to use materials that would ensure a safe environment for the people that buy the finished homes. It seems this man cared much for the end dollar that he received thence for the quality of building he produced. October 6, 2008 I was watching the news the other night and I saw a story about a psychologist that was universe accused of having a relationship with a patient. I was appa lled at this fact since psychologists are people who should realize how unethical something like that is.Doctors are in a position of authority over their patients and as such should not abuse hat authority by becoming involved with their patients. The psychologist is facing wretched charges and go forth probably have his license to practice psychology revoked. I was shocked and outraged by this story and it made me wonder what had to be going through the mans head to foreshorten into such a situation as this where he ahs put his professional life and the reputation of his family in jeopardy. October 14, 2008 I was shopping this weekend and I saw something that struck me not only as ethical but as an example of the goodness in people.I was walking down the street from store to the next and in an alleyway there was a man who for all intents and purposes was homeless or he appears that way. As I was walking I had to stop and answer my cell phone and in in vain trying to find my pho ne everything in my bag fell out and spilled all over the sidewalk. This man, who was alter from his head to his feet, came over and started helping me pick things up. I was in such a rush that I didnt notice that my credit card had bounced in the shadows. I gave the man a curt thank you and was walking away when I heard the man come up behind me.I thought at first he was going to try and do something to me (we all dont like to admit it but stereotypes sometimes linger in the back of the man about homeless people), and sour avery to hit the man when he smiled toothlessly at me and told me I had dropped my credit card. This man could have pocketed the card, but he chose to do the ethical and right thing of returning the card to me. October 20, 2008 An condition that I read recently stuck me as very unethical practices. It was an article on how Treasury Secretary Paulson was utilizing his old fence avenue star sign as a way to investigate the goings on of other Wall Street firm s.The problem then is that it gives other people the idea that now Paulsons old firm has their hands in the proverbial Treasury Cookie Jar. That kind of practice is not just unethical but wrong. The United States Treasury is something that has to investigate firms and by allowing a Wall Street firm to be seen as having ties in the department of Treasury gives the idea that the department of the Treasury is biased and will allow this firm to get by with everything and there will not be any repercussions. October 27, 2008I was reading an article in the newspaper and came across a story about a court case in which the case had to be dismissed because the evidence that was collected was tainted. Apparently when he evidence was collected, it was misplaced and then found two days later. This struck me as highly unethical, since from my understanding when something like that happens its hard to know if it is really from the crime or if it had been planted. It also struck me as unethical be cause evidence should not be contaminated or last in order to make sure questions are not raised in the long run.November 3, 2008 I read in the newspaper about a new school curriculum that has been used at some schools around the nation. Building Decision Skills (BDS) that had potentially arbitrary effects on students. This curriculum targets character education, strengthens critical thinking skills, builds leadership skills, and focuses on teaching students the crush way to make ethical decisions as they enter the high school setting and are bear upon more by peer pressure.I remember my own high school days and how hard it can be when surrounded by friends that want you to make a decision that you dont feel comfortable with. Ethical behavior after all is learning the right way to do something or the right choice to make when in a given situation. This new curriculum will help students with those kinds of situations. November 10, 2008 The newspaper had an interesting story about the Emperors Club and the case against the raw York lawyer familiar Eliot Spitzer and his charges for hiring prostitutes.Tania Hollander, the VIP scheduler for the club, also had to take responsibility in the unethical behavior of the attorney general. Ms. Hollander will face jail time for her part in this case, while the New York attorney general was cleared of the charges against him. The attorney for Ms. Hollander made a point of insinuating that this kind of nonsense was unethical in the least(prenominal) because it gives the public the idea that the New York attorney general is being given a slap on the wrist because of his position as an attorney general. Abuse of position such as this is always an foul and unethical practice.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Narrative Essays

1 generic application packet Software Software refers to electronic computer programs. A program is a sequence of instructions that tells the computers processor what to do. There are two types of software system software application software. System software manages the computer hardware pull up stakess a supply environment for application programs to run performs housekeeping and monitoring tasks.Application software allows the user to do useful tasks with the computer such as playing games, writing a letter or monitoring hospital patients is oftentimes supplied as a package can be generic (off-the-shelf) and is general purpose can be bespoke, where it is custom-written for a specific task. Application programsApplication programs commonly have facilities for working in a graphical user interface (GUI) managing data files and working on multiple files navigating through the work and changing the zoom train importing files and inserting embedded objects creati ng and editing drawings formatting text and graphics and editing content using insertion, deletion, cut-and-paste, copyand-paste and find-and-replace and loose and Redo commands language checking saving and using templates viewing a file as it will be printed (WYSIWYG) creating bigs and assigning them to buttons and images hyperlinking exporting files in another(prenominal) formats printing files. Generic application programs You may be asked to give up your choice of a type of generic application software (no brand names) for a position purpose. For the particular features of each type of software, refer to thecoursebook, especially if you do not have practical experience of it. Cambridge IGCSE figurer Studies Cambridge University Press 2011 Revision notes 1 Generic application software 1 Generic Application software desktop publishing (DTP) word processing spreadsheet General use of software ublications with complex layout, e. g. posters, newsletters and magazines te xt-intensive material, e. g. letters, employment/ effective documents, and mail merges repeatable financial, scientific and locomotiveering calculations, mathematical modelling and simple databases input, storage and retrieval of records to provide useful information on screen and in printed reports fax, telephony, video-conferencing, email and instant messaging web authoring, for producing hypertext markup language and scripting code for interactive web pages database management system (DBMS) communication web browser search engine graphics computer-aided design (CAD) computer-aided manufacture (CAM) multimedia system authoring or interactively accessing information in the form of text and other media from remote web servers a web application for finding information available on profits servers drawing and editing images, both bitmap and vector for drawing product designs for manufacturing products from CAD designs producing multimedia characterization files for animated adver tisements and games within web pages or presentations, whole websites, or cinema films for creating slideshows (successions of multimedia pages), or multimedia or printed posters for recording data automatically for scientific, engineering and statistical purposes writing, compiling and debugging computer programs presentation data-logging programme Customising generic application programs ready-to-wear generic application programs are readily available, relatively cheap and intimately tested. They can be customised to the purchasers requirements by hiding the standard menus and toolbars creating new menus or toolbars with simply the essential requirements making cosmetic changes to the colour scheme and logo creating macros run by toolbar buttons or keyboard shortcuts.A macro is program code recorded automatically or written in a scripting language to make better access to existing commands or to create new ones. Bespoke software Bespoke software (custom-written) is softwa re specially written to suit the needs of a particular customer. It is often very efficient because it does but what is required, is easy to learn and has good customer support and maintenance. Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Cambridge University Press 2011 Revision notes 1 Generic application software 2 Comparing off-the-shelf with bespoke software Off-the-shelf software has a number of advantages and disadvantages relative to bespoke software. Off-the-shelf softwares advantages t is immediately available it is normally much cheaper to buy it may have many powerful features developedover many historic period if it belongs to a retinue, it is likely to be able to exchange data and files easily with other programs in the suite it is well tested by previous users there is support available from experienced trainers and user groups Off-the-shelf softwares disadvantages it may be overly complex and difficult to learn it may be a compromise between the requirements of different type s of users an organisation may be forced to adapt its business procedures to the software errors may not be fixed rapidly Cambridge IGCSE Computer Studies Cambridge University Press 2011 Revision notes 1 Generic application software 3

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

California State Prison Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

atomic number 20 nominate prison - look into Paper ExampleHence, all of the Californias State Prisons ar equipped with the highest security and major(ip) facilities. The State Prison is designed as multi-mission institutions with high level and minimum security. They have the working facilities of pocket manufacturing, laundry with other major improving conveniences relating to health care, rehabilitation and education, self-improvement, vocational and psychiatric need (Stephan, 2004). Population California State, having the second largest Police Department makes not mistake in bringing the offenders to the prisons. During the commencement six old age of the 21st century the community peaked till 173,000 buncos but finally started to go down and ended up around 163,000 by the year 2010. Due to the over flowing population capacity of the prison, the Supreme Court ordered to either transfer or release around 30,000 captives by the end of year 2013. It was a necessary step t aken in order to maintain the conditions of the State Prison. Due to this management the small offenders are sent to small local custodies than state prison, which shows a extensive 12% decrease in the population, which is about 141,000 inmates by the end of February, 2012. The population around the State Prison is also aging, with only 13% prisoners under the age of 25. This is majorly due to two factors. The first being the general age of California State population is getting older, and secondly people are sentenced to more years in the prison (Hayes, 2012). Women constitute only 5% of the State Prison population under less(prenominal) crime intensity. Yet the overall population of State Prison constitutes of a major population of African Americans, about 5 times as much as any other race (Hayes, 2012). figure Four of the Californias State Prisons in Solano, LA, Sacramento, and Corcoran runs under the collective cypher of 719.4 Million Dollars. This includes the budget for t he facilities of education, health care, and institution. Even with this budget the California State Prison needs more rooms and a larger bed count as most of the prisons are much over their designed capacity. California having the largest population in the United States equally spends the most on its inmates as well, with an estimate of 16000$ annually spend just on health care of each inmate (census 2008-2009) which is more than thrice of Texas which spends less than 4000$ per inmate in a year (Hayes, 2012). take of surveillance The California State Prison works under the special level of security which enables them to categorize the prisoners accordingly. Level 1 Open dormitories with no secure perimeter. Level 2 The dormitories are open but with secure perimeter and armed coverage. Level 3 It include personal cells with fences perimeters along with armed coverage throughout the area. Level 4 Along with individual cells, the perimeters are fenced or walled with high security an d more staff. The guards protect the inside and the outside the prison area. Security trapping Unit (SHU) This area comes under the level 4 security level, that includes inmates that are confirmed prison gang members, bosses and high tension victims are kept under surveillance at all times. Reception heart and soul (RC) This is the short term housing facility that enables the state prison to identify on which level the prisoner should be housed. Condemned (Cond) The

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

An investigation weather the Nintendo Wii attract females more than Essay

An investigation weather the Nintendo Wii attract females more than males - Essay ExampleUsing a purposive sample of 107 Nintendo Wii gamers, the present study suggests that males ar more likely to be attracted to using or playing the Wii more than their female counterparts, as attested to by their higher ratings on beliefs, inwrought norms, and behavioral intentions. They concurred only on one subscale, which is perceived behavioural control, suggesting agreement that there is adequate control on excessive use of the Nintendo Wii. On the Theory of Reasoned Action, it was found that males tended to give higher ratings on the beliefs, subjective norms, and behavioural intentions that are related to the use of the Nintendo Wii. ... Students gender differences in their response to technology use use up been identified and explained by many researchers who have had varying results in their studies. For instance, in a study by Vasil, Hesketh, and Podd (1987), it was found out that fem ales do not prefer being involved in technological activities and that they are less participative in technology-related events compared to males. Gender differences have also been evident in the use of the Internet and the calculating machine in general as findings of Shashaani (1997) showed how boys take more interest in computers compared to girls. Nonetheless, Internet usage has nonplus common not just among males but among females as well. Computer games, meanwhile, have been obtaining a great mountain of attention than previous years as a source of pleasure and enjoyment among young individuals. The maneuver industry along with well-accepted media has recognized the usage and play of women when it comes to digital games (Beasley and Standley 2002). The increasing popularity of video games and the improved sales of game titles may point out that members of the female population have taken part in the expanding shimmer audience. Previous research about females and their as sociations with video games has mainly been divided into two main areas- the discernment of female representations in video games (Heintz-Knowles and Henderson 2002), and the surveys or interviews conducted among female players with regards to their interests, level of play, and overall thoughts about video games and the gaming culture in general (Yates and Littleton 2001). A number of studies on virtual games suggest that

Monday, May 13, 2019

A Good Man is Hard to Find Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A Good Man is Hard to catch out - Essay ExampleHe was de cosmosding respect because he thought that he was almost a part and should be respected irrespective.The story of A Good Man is Hard To Find speaks ironically of how inviolable it was to find a good man. The irony comes out clearly from the start to the end of the story. The grandm different is toilsome to draw the boys attention about why they should not go to Florida as uncouth but should change to east Tennessee. She was reading a journal about the man Misfit and the harm he was causing. According to the report Misfit was headed to Florida that same day. She had thought it would be a good idea to let her son read the article as well. Bailey instead ignored his mother and did not even care to way at the article. Later, as they travel to Florida, they get an accident and the Misfit comes across them. He kills the whole family just care he does.The two stories, A man who was almost a man and A good man is hard to find b oth reveal the character of the two men in question. They were big headed and disobedience. Dave did not listen to his mother that he should not get a submarine sandwich. Instead, he thought that a gun would protect his title almost a man. In his quest to protect his image, he killed Jenny. Bailey on the other hand, could not listen to his mother. Even when she spoke, Bailey kept ignoring her. He thought that now he was a grown man and did not need his mothers advice. In the end, the whole family perished under Misfits hands. Their deaths would put one over been avoided had Bailey listened to his mother and read the article prior to their departure from their