Friday, April 26, 2019

The Roles of Computer Science Corporation in Homeland Security Assignment

The Roles of Computer Science pile in Homeland Security - Assignment ExampleIn response to the letter, you wrote in regard to the hugger-mugger sector roles in Homeland security. I vindicate the following issues in reference to the above verbalize Company.Computer Science Corporation is a private firm that provides information technology (IT) services as well up as professional services. Its headquarters are located in Virginia. The role of the Corporation to the division of Homeland Security (DHS) has resolely been on the provision of information regarding threats to cyber infrastructure. The advancement of the likely threats as well as the trends of emerging cyber threats to the country have in many occasions been availed by the company with the sole purpose of combating these threats. In addition, the corporation is also in partnership with other companies in various ISACs where they administer information acquired through various sources.However, the company has faced nume rous challenges. The quality of information received has been peerless of the major blows. Besides that, there have been legal constraints that have hampered sharing information since in depicted object the information shared is flawed the corporation is likely to be used. In addition, the shareholders are skeptical in investing in incentives infrastructure that is not geared towards profit making.The DHS in collaborative effort should assistance in protecting companies in legal constraints that are related to situations where information availed is realized to be a flawed content. This will motivate various private entities in availing information without hesitation.

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