Friday, July 26, 2019

Ethics, Privacy, and Security Sides of Computer Spammer Issue Essay

Ethics, Privacy, and Security Sides of Computer Spammer Issue - Essay Example They flood the networks through continuous bombardments. The interests of ordinary users are of no threat to anyone else especially their privacy and flow of information across the network. In case of spammers, the activities are motivated by damage and illegal practices. There is the margin of improvement to the manner in which Spamhaus operates. It has raised the eyebrows in cases where organizations have become a victim of this barring process Spamhaus methodology is based on the idea of segregation. Separating the good from the bad and this is done through blocking of the list of ids which are habitual offenders. Once the list is compiled that of blacklist ids, their list is sent across the networks of institutions and organizations. However, their work and the methods adopted has resulted in various legal constraints from time to time. Though the methods adopted by them have made the task relatively easy and according to some, the inboxes would get flooded with junk and spams incase Spam Haus was not in place and not conducting the operations. While the Spamhaus process does irk some of the business community members, due to the indiscriminate and at times random blocking, the solution can be reached by installing effective software and firewalls at the back end that stream out the spam and other junk mails prior to reaching the customers. In this method the direct approach and reach to customers can be eliminated and as a result, only those ips and addresses can reach to the customers that are authenticated and of no damage. This can by large resolve the issues faced in the case of Spamhaus. There are multiple legal issues faced in the usage and application of Spamhaus.

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