Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Racial Profiling Individual Prejudice or Organizational...

Racial Profiling: Individual Prejudice or Organizational Protocol? Racial profiling is generally defined as discrimination put into action based on a stereotype. No one is excluded from the potential to experience some form of racial profiling, regardless of one’s race, gender, or religion. Racial profiling has existed in various forms since slavery. During the reconstruction of the South, the first sense of racial profiling began with â€Å"Black Codes†. â€Å"Black Codes† were created to maintain a new form of slavery. These â€Å"codes† made it punishable by imprisonment and indentured servitude for any African American who loitered, remained unemployed, drunk, or in debt. The â€Å"Black Codes† were a transparent form of what we call racial profiling†¦show more content†¦More traffic stops lead to more arrests, which further skews the racial profiling statistics against African Americans and other non-White ethnic groups. Studies have shown that African Americans are the most likely targeted for these â€Å"routine† stops, but it only fuels the continuance of a viscous cycle that will take more than just a new rule to repair. Researching the police training, I found evidence to support the theory that racial profiling is prejudices put into practice. Police officers are faced with balancing their knowledge of training against the potential for racial profiling. It all begins with their education at the training academy and continues with ongoing in-service training. In-service training is achieved by pairing with a street partner, which is another police officer that is wise to the way of the streets in that specific area. At any point a different form of training, â€Å"informal training†, can begin. I refer to this training as â€Å"informal† because this training is the type that you learn through your own perception of gathered information. This is not training that is necessarily taught, but can include one’s own prejudices and steps are not taken to prevent these prejudices from entering into the officer’s decision making process. A police officer will use their own ways to deal with situations and make judgment calls based on theirShow MoreRelatedRacial Profiling : History, Trends, And Evolution2710 Words   |  11 PagesRacial Profiling: History, Trends, Evolution Name Academic Institution Author Note Class Professor Date Racial Profiling: History, Trends, Evolution The issue of race has been a heated and emotional conflict since the founding of this country. Racial profiling is the act of assuming ideas or circumstances pertaining to a certain individual simply based on the color of his or her skin and the racial group to which he or she belongs. Even though the Thirteenth Amendment abolishedRead MoreThe Killing Of Michael Brown2783 Words   |  12 PagesGrace Yao SOC Theory Dr. Kim 20 Jan 2015 Understanding Ferguson Introduction The shooting of sparked a nation-wide movement not only demanding justice for Mike Brown, but also protesting the racial discrimination deeply embedded in the criminal justice system as well as various institutions in the larger American society. Furthermore, jfdkjfjdakljk something about international recognition. Similar protests and riots have been springing up in other cities since 1960s, and police killings of unarmedRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages Organizational Behavior This page intentionally left blank Organizational Behavior EDITION 15 Stephen P. Robbins —San Diego State University Timothy A. Judge —University of Notre Dame i3iEi35Bj! Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Director of Editorial Services:Read MoreMarketing Management130471 Words   |  522 Pagestargeting and positioning Product management Brand management Pricing Channel design and management Retailing and Wholesaling Integrated Marketing Communication Advertising management Sales promotion Personal selling Public relations Understanding individual consumer behaviour Understanding industrial consumer behaviour Customer satisfaction Customer relationship management Marketing of services Rural marketing Types of marketing research Process of marketing research Tools and Techniques of marketing

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