Friday, August 21, 2020

Students Cant Do Homework If They Dont Learn How

Students Can't Do Homework If They Don't Learn HowI have to confess that I still don't understand the appeal of homework. When I was a teenager, I remember spending most of my free time in front of the television, watching a new episode. I knew all the lines, even the dialogue and characters, but I didn't have to do homework. Most of my friends were working outside or maybe playing video games or doing sports, so I could always find time for homework in the evening.It's just that when I wanted to be productive, I needed to know how to do complex tasks such as typing or writing essays. I tried programming (what a nightmare it turned out to be), but it was very difficult for me, so I didn't bother with it.Once, when I was a teenager, I had to learn to use the computer because I couldn't understand a simple process such as clicking on one button, and then another, until I found out the right way. I didn't do much work at first, and I didn't understand what was happening. By the time I h ad learned enough to get me going, my friends had already finished all their homework, and they were bored, so I didn't bother with it.College students are very busy nowadays, and some are forced to study. Many of them are the type of person who will go to bed without finishing a single sentence of their homework. It's all just too much for them.What would you do if you had to do this? Would you learn everything at once? What if you had to learn how to control an intricate machine, or write a book, or make a movie? What if you had to use your imagination?You would try to put everything in your mind, because otherwise you wouldn't have the slightest idea about what would happen next, or what would happen to your everyday life. These days, many students live in their heads while they study, rather than living in the real world. They have no idea what would happen if they did something different.Many parents and other adults are afraid that their kids will spend most of their life in t heir head. They think that the brains of our children are like brains on a board. Some of them won't work on time, others won't learn what they're supposed to, and other won't be able to do the things they're supposed to. We don't know what's happening inside the brains of our kids, and what's worse, we have no idea.Teachers are not the only ones to blame; kids usually suffer from being left out of the homework thing. Parents should be blamed for leaving their kids' study time to themselves.

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