Saturday, June 22, 2019

Importance of reward and resourcing within human resource Essay

splendour of reward and resourcing within benevolent resource - Essay ExampleThe importance of gay resource has increased all all over the world after rapid industrialization n early 20th century. Different management styles and techniques have been introduced to manage styles. Human resource management is as well as received much attention with scholars and researchers trying to find insights into better ways of managing the human capital in an organization. Reward and resourcing argon basic functions of a human resource department. It is vital to find the right people in order to achieve organizational goals and retaining them through reward system is equally essential. In this evidence we will talk about the intercourse importance of reward and resourcing in overall role of human resource function. Different theories of reward will be discussed along side with the relationship between reward resourcing. The tough global business environment has increased the need of human r esource management in giving an organization competitive edge over other companies. The role of reward and resourcing in providing companies competitive edge will be specifically discussed. Importance of Reward and Resourcing Human resource management involves finding the right people for the right job but it is also important to rear employees everything they need in order to retain them for a longer period of time. In all industries and sectors employees be the most valuable asset of a compevery. Success and failure of any company is dependent on its employees. For this reason it is vital that a reward structure is established that provides employees with an opportunity to excel and in turn motivates them to work harder for the company. Employee retentivity is very important because of the high costs linked to enlisting. Also additional training will be required for the new employees. These costs are adequate a nightmare for companies all over the world. Reward and resourcing are also important because employees have some needs that should be fulfilled. These needs are not always monetary but are non monetary as well. Encouragement and admiration can seriously affect an employee in continuing with the same company. If an employee things that he is being well taken care of then he will also deliver. Reward and resourcing is therefore extremely vital. Selection of employees and job design are important elements of resourcing. These are essential because finding the right person for the right jobs is important or else the company will suffer. Jobs should also be designed memory in mind the human needs of employees. Selection and recruitment of employees is important especially in services industries and in considered among the top three issues in human resource management (DAnnunzio-Green, N. 2004). For determining appropriate reward structure appraisal of employees is also essential. It forms the basis on which a particular reward or motivator is given t o an employee. This is a how resourcing and reward are interlinked. Through performance appraisal one will identify who is worthy of a reward. It is also important to provide incentive to employees in order to retain them. Selection procedure is also related to reward because through benefits and pay structure employees are attracted towards employee. This is how resourcing and reward are related to each other. Theories of Reward &Resourcing and their Relative Importance In this section the possible benefits and short comings of different theories and perspectives on reward and resourcing will be discussed. The relative importance of reward and resourcing will be highlighted with the help of these theories. There can be two types of recruitment namely internal and external recruitment. Internal recruitment involves hiring people from the company and external recruitment involves hiring people from outside the company. The potential advantage of internal recruitmen

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