Sunday, June 9, 2019

Verbal abuse in relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Verbal ab using up in relationships - Essay Example disgusting or demeaning languages refer to using words such as idiot or stupid or swear words to cause individual to think less of him or herself. Hence language is utilized to put down the other somebody and acquire a psychological advantage over the abused and where the abusers hence see themselves as superior. In this case, one person demeans the other via the utilization of language. Intimidating or hostile volume, tone, or intensity of the counselling the message is delivered might be seen as screaming, yelling or shouting or alternately, talking quietly though intensely, with the intention of instilling fear in the other person. Typically this type of verbal abuse makes the abused to comply due to fear of self-harm, above all scaring the abused that the issues might escalate to lie of physical abuse (Gary1).Threats are meant to intimidate or scare the victim into submission. It can be of bodily harm to an individual or oth er family, the persons pet or friends. Threats can also include making total lies about an individual or exposing secrets such to either cause to look bad in another persons eyes or humiliate them. Threats can also be towards material goods as in copulation someone they will demolish something. Furthermore, threats can also be financial, hence wanting to hold an individual captive by intimating poverty (Gary2).Sarcasm is the use of humor to entomb threatening or belittling language. Hence the information is conveyed in such a way in order to provide cardinal different messages. The external message is that the intent is levity or humor whilst the inner message is one that, threatens, demeans or belittles. Since the conveyer of the message makes use of humor to disguise the message, the conveyer will attempt to deny the deeper message when confronted, hence leaving the receiver of the message rather disarmed and not able to protect themselves against

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