Sunday, August 11, 2019

How to Control and Prevent Delinquency Research Paper

How to Control and Prevent Delinquency - Research Paper Example The increasing number of youth offenders does not stem from a single cause nor a single set of causes. Sociologists agree that social disorganization is one of the most important factors that influence the rate of juvenile delinquency. Thus, in slum areas, where families come from different regions of the country or speak different dialects, where people are constantly on the move, and where diverse cultural standards flourish side by side with little interaction and community solidarity, delinquency is most often found. Some researchers suggest that more often delinquents have parents characterized by drunkenness or criminality, ineffective household management, economic difficulties, and low self-respect. Delinquency often indicates that their families are not concerned about their welfare. Most delinquent children do not experience a real home life. They are left to themselves the whole day with any companion they choose to have. Marriage may be temporarily or permanently broken. Temporarily broken homes refer to the separation of husband and wife caused by war, migration, hospitalization, imprisonment, or employment conditions. Permanently broken homes refer to separation caused by desertion, divorce or legal separation, life imprisonment, or death. Behavioral as well as social scientists express the view that broken homes can create far-reaching problems such as juvenile delinquency, unwed mothers, poverty, etc. Many of the juvenile delinquents here and abroad were found to come from broken homes. But it does not follow that broken homes will surely cause young children and adolescents to go wayward and develop into delinquents. Many separated parents have produced offsprings that climbed into fame. Clear knowledge of the causes of the emergence of youth offenders can naturally lead to a better understanding of how to control and prevent delinquency.  Ã‚  

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