Friday, August 9, 2019

MANAGING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

MANAGING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Essay Example ersonal styles. My own results from taking the inventory report that my strengths lie mostly in musical, existential and intrapersonal intelligences, as I got a perfect score on these sections. Next to these, I scored 90 in Kinesthetic and Verbal intelligences, followed by a score of 70 in naturalist, interpersonal and visual intelligences. I scored lowest in logical intelligence, garnering a score of 60. VARK Test VARK stands for Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic learning styles. It is an online questionnaire that asks 16 questions to measure which reflects the learning style of the test-taker. VISUAL- learners who would like to  see it on the whiteboard, flip charts, walls, graphics, pictures, colour. AUDITORY-learners who would like to sit back and listen. ... Team roles improve self-knowledge and understanding among individuals and teams. They also depict a current behavioral pattern at a certain point in a person’s life. Preferences are not fixed, since many factors can influence behavior, whether a new job, promotion or circumstances outside work. My Belbin Test Results Preferred Roles: Teamworker Manageable Roles: Resource Investigator/ Plant Least Preferred Roles: Shaper MBTI (Myers-Briggs test) This theory measures psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The preferences indicate the differences in people based on the following: How they focus their attention or get their energy (Extraversion or Introversion) How they perceive or take in information (Sensing or Intuition) How they prefer to make decisions (Thinking or Feeling) How they orient themselves to the external world (Judgment or Perception) Myer-Briggs Test Result: ESFJ & ENFJ Self-Assessments Self-assessments are effective ways f or individuals to evaluate themselves to see how far they have come in terms of progress in one area or another and to know their strengths and weaknesses. Self-assessments can come in various forms. Some are simple reflective practices while others entail taking some tests. Self-assessments, including those done by practitioners in clinical environments are truly helpful in one’s learning and professional development as individuals who assess themselves either through reflective practice or test-taking, find ways to be better learners. This begins with the realization that they need to improve on the weaknesses reflected in the assessment as well as honing the

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