Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The Secret Powers of Food Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Secret Powers of Food - Assignment Example If we delve into the root of the issue, we will find out that food plays a huge role in people’s lives and its impacts on their outlooks and beliefs are impressing. To justify this, I have conveyed an interview. My interviewee is Mr. Wilson, the father of my neighbor, he is 47 years old. The man was glad to share his life experience and food story with me. I have come up with some interesting ideas, based on the information given by my interviewee and the book Toast: The Story of a Boy’s Hunger by Nigel Slater. As a result, I strongly believe that food helps people to socialize, to show one’s affection, it evokes memories, shapes one’s lifestyle and attitude to culture. To begin with, food has become an integral part of social life. It may sound like nonsense, but food plays an enormous role in socialization between people. If we think about any occasion which implies gathering of people, we probably will not come up with any example that would not include food. Every celebration, holiday, date and even some official meetings always include some sort of ingestion – lunch, dinner or a pair of cocktails. Possible reasons for it may be that by means of food people interact nonverbally. It brings interlocutors together and helps them to relax and communicate freely. With the help of food a positive atmosphere is created which provides a beneficial outcome of any meeting. Furthermore, we may claim that food is a way of showing one’s love and care. It is through food that every mother shows her children how much she cares about them. I’ve interviewed my neighbor’s father, Mr. Wilson, and he told me what food meant to him and to his family. When he was a child, Mr. Wilson used to live in a city, but his weekends and summer holidays he spent at his granny’s, in the suburbs. There was a little farm there with plenty of fruit and vegetables and some domestic animals, such as chickens, geese and a few pigs. His  grandmother always tried to show her affection to her beloved grandchild by means of food.

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