Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Irish culture communicated by riverdance Essay

How Riverdance communicates stories about the Irish culture. Riverdance began as a succinct intermission piece when Ireland was the host of the Eurovision Song Contest. The Riverdance modernized the insight with regards to Irish dances. They deviated from the old straight-laced and rule-bound contest plans or format and turned it to a more contemporary and dramatic form of dance (Brennan, 1999). Of which, I have selected â€Å"Ceili† dancing, an Irish folk dance and â€Å"Mark Moris† dance. Ceili dancing is one of the two kinds of dances in Ireland where it is usually composed of a large number of dancers which is basically easy to pick up. Ceili dancing is one of the Irish folk dances, which is considered a social dance. Ceili dances generally require pairs and are danced where the couples are arranged into formations or sets (O’Keeffe, 1934). Frequently, squares of four couples, but many other formations are found, such as a ceili dance carried out with as few as three and as many as sixteen people. The quantity of couples in the ceili dance is unlimited and they are often in a long line. At times, they may proceed around in a circle. Though ceili dances have easy to pick-up steps, it is a fast paced dance, most of the time if not all, which makes it challenging (O’Keeffe, 1934). Irish social dances, like the ceili dances, are a living tradition. Though sometimes, variations may rise and the dances are modified thus choreographing a new kind of dance. â€Å"Mark Moris† dance. â€Å"Mark Moris† dance is named after Mark Moris, the soul of modern dancing that has been to a great extent valued and cherished all round the world where American modern dance is infused. Innovative steps of the â€Å"Mark Moris† dance cater to the younger generation by adding fresh improvements to the usual traditional dance. Museums, art galleries and old pagan customs are still eminent in Ireland. Ireland also offers a wide range of cultural events ranging from arts festivals to farming events, especially during the summer months. Ceili dancing is bounded to the traditional Irish culture. Though Ireland has a rich culture, ceili dancing for me would start to depreciate if it does not create ways to cater the new generation of Ireland youth or tourists. â€Å"Mark Moris† dance achieved a status that is highly appreciated and respected by the world due to its innovations, or the so-called modern dance. Riverdance is an example of an innovation in Ireland that helped in launching Irish culture to the world. The Riverdance is actually a theatrical show with traditional Irish step dancing, where most stepdancers also perform using ceili dances, exemplified by fixed arms and stationary body with fast and quick leg actions or movements. Riverdance continued its shows even outside Ireland. Moreover, Riverdance is able to create a bridge between the gap of the new generation and the old Ireland traditions and culture. With contemporary steps and improved formations without sacrificing the traditional Irish folk dances, it attracts the new audience creating a certain curiosity or inquisitiveness. After getting their attention, it then tells tales of the Ireland traditions and its rich culture, beliefs, stories and other aspects of Ireland customs through infused drama on its dances. It communicates to both the old and new youths of Ireland and to the tourists. Riverdance does not only communicate stories about the Irish culture within the boundaries of Ireland, but also to the world. References: 1997. April 27, 2007. . Brennan, Helen. â€Å"The Story of Irish Dancing. † Mount Eagle Publications Ltd. , 1999. O’Keeffe, J. G. , and Art O’Brien. â€Å"A Handbook of Irish Dances. † Gill and Son Ltd. , 1934.

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