Sunday, September 15, 2019

Trail of ghenus khan

Mr.. Genesis Khan not being civilized, I believe that the Mongol Warrior (Adam) helped bring out the fact that Mr.. Khan was Indeed innocent of this accusation. This Mongol warrior brought forth the fact that they did indeed give the civilizations a chance to surrender to the Mongols. The Mongol warrior also acknowledged the laws that Mr..Khan had made, (This was backed up by the Historian Javelin (Rachel) and the research that was done by that errors). He also brought forth the fact that, many people thought that there warfare, was part of being civilized, but when we asked the prosecuting witnesses, (the ones before the Mongol Warrior was called up), what the deflation of being Cleveland was, many of the prosecuting witnesses did not Involve warfare Into their definition of being civilized.The Mongol warrior also helped us when the other prosecuting attorneys tried to ask him questions that were related to warfare, Instead of being elated to the main question, â€Å"Is Mr.. Khan c ellared, we then brought them to a dead end, with us (the defensive attorney's) putting objections towards their questions, because their question's had nothing to do with the main topic of the trial. The prosecuting side then ran out of questions to ask, due to irrelevance of the questions that they were asking.On the opposing side, the Mustangs, caliph of Baghdad (Harrison) presented the most convincing evidence, to go against Mr.. Genesis khan. This witness was a victim f the torment, this man was, I believe, rolled up in a carpet drug around beaten and trampled until dead. This man also had answers for most of our questions, and was ready for almost anything. In this simulation, I liked that we all worked together as a group, and we each had an important part in the trial. When we work as a group, the work seemed to go faster.For instance, my partner and I were both defensive attorneys, and when it came to looking for questions to ask our witnesses, we were both able to come up tit many different kinds, and when we were up there asking the questions we both took turns asking them and retrieving the answers. With the work going faster, and being divided up, it made it easier to develop a better understanding of what we were studying. I believe that the simulation was Just fine, but I feel that we should have had more time to debate about the topics, and maybe a little more time to get things prepared and ready for the trial.BY erne indeed innocent of this accusation. This Mongol warrior brought forth the fact that caked up by the Historian Jiving (Rachel) and the research that was done by that before the Mongol Warrior was called up), what the definition of being civilized was, many of the prosecuting witnesses did not involve warfare into their definition of attorneys tried to ask him questions that were related to warfare, instead of being related to the main question, â€Å"is Mr.. Khan civilized? â€Å", we then brought them to a dead end, with us (th e defensive attorneys) putting objections towards their questions,

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