Friday, September 27, 2019

TRANSPORTATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

TRANSPORTATION - Essay Example While in the harbour act, a number of proposals can be adhered to so as to come up with the new terminal for example, the HRO (Harbour Revision Order, as used in the ABP proposal kin the development of a new terminal at Dibden Bay). The HBO is divided into four parts each with a specific responsibility to cover. The parts are as follows; Part I, which covers the development,processes i.e. the terminal construction. Either part II, which provides for landscaping works in the areas covered in the Order Plans and proposals, which may be creation, or diversion and stopping of the rights of way as stipulated for the public. Part III, which allows the ABP to acquire any land required for the creation of the new terminal. Part IV, which covers all the other matters (miscellaneous) that relate to the public as in replacement of open spaces meant for public. If the HBO is to be considered, the National policy must be applied whereby the policies must reflect a better quality of life, new deal for transport and sustainabledistribution. Included in the National policy is the Modern Ports Policy which is the relevant part in reference to the creation of a new terminal. The modern ports policy is a core part in the National policy. The modern ports policy brings out the fact that UK depends on international trade. It states that a port is to serve the interest of the nation, support the competition, and handle demands of the UK trade. Currently the port of Southampton is not able to meet the demands of all the customers, so the building of a new terminal will have the situation improve and not deteriorate. The policies should be covered in descending order, from international policies, regional policies and local policies. Presently the project will be at an advantage because of geographical advantages that Southamptonhas shipping advantages. After the external policies have been covered, the internal policies should follow after. Internal

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