Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Northern California film history assignment Essay

Northern California film history assignment - Essay Example ory that has caused the movie industry to evolve into its current form, the opinions and findings of Trimble will emerge as most relevant and realistic. There is an element of a forgotten past behind Hollywood’s emergence as the capital of motion picture industry. The events that can reveal the historic background of this transformation date as long back to the early 1900s when the production activities began shifting from San Francisco to Los Angels in 1907. This has heralded a major change for the Northern California movie scenario apart from the changes the film industry underwent as a whole. Before that most of the production activities in the US have been centered in San Francisco Bay Area. An inquiry down the lane of history reveals that the Bay Area was a fertile hub for the early experiments, inventions, and evolution of motion pictures. Pioneers like Edward Muybridge, Edison, and Edwin Porter were involved in the process of movie making in the Bay Area. Without their contributions the motion film industry in US would not have gained its momentum. Thus one cannot overlook as irrelevant Trimble’s observation that motion pictures were invented in San Francisco. Yet, much of the print history on motion pictures has ignored San Francisco’s contribution and directed their focus on Hollywood as the cognation point of film industry. Credit doesn’t seem to have been given where it actually belongs and the flawed assumptions need to be rectified in the light of the facts available. However, if one explores the oral history in the matter the contention seems to honor Southern California’s role in giving the boost to the movie industry that made it flourish to its current status. When one examines history and the recorded facts therein, it becomes evident that San Franciscans are key players in the making of the movies and their role has been pivotal right from the embryonic stage of motion pictures’ development as an industry. It was Eadward Muybridge,

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